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March 15, 2004-Monday

Snow flurries in the morning, clear , sunny and cold for the rest of the day.

A good day. This morning I went to the apartment and didn't sleep! I watched the end of the tape that Susan sent me, did laundry and worked on my jigsaw puzzle.

In the afternoon I got ready to leave my apartment, and headed for the post office. I got there, bought my revenue stamps and even got a receipt for the one that I needed for work. Then, off to the train station for me. I discovered that the train had been put back by 20 minutes though! That was a bit annoying. I wandered around a bit, then got on the train when they let us on. In Sakata I hurried off to meet Chris. He was waiting for me, so we left the internet place and went to the Immigration Office. We did our stuff, and then left.

I had a while before my bus to Mikawa so we went for coffee to a place he knew. It was really cool. The tables had jewelry displays in them, antique style jewelry. I liked some of it, but I didn't have enough money for it!

I caught the bus to Mikawa and just after I got there, Fumihiko called me. I met him and we went for dinner before the movie. We had shabu-shabu again and it was nice tonight too. Really good for my diet I think.

The movie, Gothika, was quite interesting. It wasn't great, but the story was very suspenseful and exciting. Halle Berry was great and so was Robert Downey Jr. I was also interested in watching Penelope Cruz, as I think this was the first movie of hers that I've seen.

We came home via the apartment, where I dropped off the groceries that I bought before the movie, then we had some coffee. Yum.

That's it for my day. I actually walked over 10, 000 steps today....the first time since I got my pedometer. I hope I can get started my power walking again...I really miss it. The weather hasn't been great lately. The snow is finally gone, but every morning it rains or something so it's just no fun!

Night night.

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