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March 14, 2004-Sunday

Clear and sunny, very windy.

A good day! I stayed up rather late last night so I slept in quite late this morning. I didn't really wake up until noon, but Fumihiko kept trying to rouse me before that. Sorry, dude, but even coffee won't get me out of bed on Sunday morning when I don't "have" to get up!

We went out for lunch. We thought we'd try the Washington Hotel's restaurant for a change, but they were having a bridal fair so we couldn't go in. We went to the restaurant in Marica instead. Then we went downstairs and asked if I could get my hair cut. I could, but I'd have to wait for 20 minutes. That wasn't a bad thing so I hacked around the 100 yen shop and then went back.

I got a great cut. My stylist does a wonderful job on my hair. I took a picture in to her and she managed to give me that cut. It wasn't easy for her, my hair is very fine and light, she said that she couldn't see it very well because it's like silk! I felt sorry for her...also because my cowlicks drive her a bit crazy! I think she's a perfectionist, because I would have stopped cutting 10 minutes before she did, but it really looks good.

We went to the mall, but because we were really early, decided to stop at Plassen, a jigsaw puzzle store. We each ended up getting a Mucha puzzle, which Fumihiko generously paid for because it was whiteday. I'm looking forward to doing mine. Although, the last puzzle that he bought for me was mysteriously not completed by me! Everyday a little more was done, even though I didn't do it!

We then decided to get something to eat, so we went to Amarume to Handa, the steak restaurant. We had rump steak and it was great.

The movie, Master and Commander-The Far Side of the World was supposed to start at 6:15. We pulled up to the mall at 6:15. We hiked to the theatre and bought tickets and got in just as the beginning credits went up. It was fabulous! Russell Crowe did such a great job. He was a real "man's man". The film was exciting and seemed to be quite realistic. I really enjoyed it. Fumihiko did too, but he's a bit jealous of Russell Crowe! I've had a big thing for him for longer than I've known Fumihiko.

We came home via a gyudon shop (which doesn't actually sell gyudon anymore) for a late dinner then back to home. At home we did our small puzzles that I had bought...zodiac sign paintings. They're cute actually. Then we talked for a while and drank some diet pop.

That was our day. It was great actually. Tomorrow I'm off to Sakata to get my visa. Wish me luck!

Night night!

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