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March 16, 2004-Tuesday

Clear and sunny.

Well, I was a lazy bum this morning and went to sleep at the apartment. Even though it was a nice day, I couldn't drag myself out of bed. I'm sorry. I'm disappointed in myself actually.

The rest of the day was okay. I was alone at my school, but today, for the first time in weeks, every class happened. I was really glad. It was nice to be busy. Also, today at the school, I got a surprise visitor. A student of mine that had been in Canada showed up. I haven't seen her for over a year I think, and it was so nice to see her. She brought us some cookies which I can't eat of course, but it was a nice gesture.

After work I finished up my work and waited for my hubby to call me. He finally did and he picked me up. We went to Gusto for dinner. It was okay, not great, not terrible. I drank a lot of coffee, but it was quite good for a change. I'm trying to take my coffee without sweetener these days. It's a bit tough. I don't think I'll ever be able to really drink it black.

Anyway, that was my day. When we came home I helped Fumihiko a little bit with his new jigsaw puzzle. He's working on the edge and it's really hard at the moment because it is all white. Yikes!

Gotta go! Night night.

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