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March 28, 2004 - Sunday

Warm and sunny all day, gorgeous!

What a day! I slept in quite late, but Fumihiko wanted me to get up earlier so I did. I was up and basically dressed before 12. We went to the Washington Hotel for lunch. We had something nice there. Then, we bought kerosene. Then we went to look at something....exciting! I can't really say what it is yet, but it was darn nice. I'm very excited now.

At a bit after 2 we decided to go to Sakata. We had been asked to join the Sakata school party so that's what we did. We drove there, after Fumihiko took us on a long cut(!) on the way there. However, we arrived just on time.

We went bowling. I haven't bowled in years, I think the last time was when Hitomi left my school. Anyway, I did surprisingly well. I even beat Fumihiko! It was a lot of fun. After bowling we went out for yakiniku and then to karaoke for a couple of hours. That was really fun and I sang a lot. Chris did too, but he didn't get too crazy for a change.

Fumihiko and I came home, via the convenience store for snacks and coffee. Now he's off taking his bath and I'm trying to finish this up so I can go to bed! That's it for me for today. Tomorrow, I'm having lunch with an old friend....yay.

Night night.

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