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March 29, 2004 - Monday

Sunny and cool. Nice day.

I had a different sort of day today. I went to the apartment as usual, but I didn't take a nap.I stayed awake and did laundry. While I did that I watched the Oscars, which are fun. I still haven't finished watching the whole thing yet.

I went out to meet Ritsuko around 12. I took my photo disc along and had them printed at the mall. Ritsuko and I had lunch at the Daiichi hotel. It was okay. We gabbed for a long time, then had a walk around the mall. Finally we went to Doutours for coffee and dessert. When I said I had to be going, we didn't realize just how late it was. It was after 3! Wow.

I got my groceries at S-Mall, then headed back to my apartment. I watched more of the Oscars and waited for Fumihiko to come and get me.

We tried to go to Ikeda Fashion place, but it was closing, the we went to Mikawa mall We looked around and bought quite a few things. We also had dinner-shabu shabu at the mall. Yum.

Anyway, we came home after a while and I watched the first episode of ER for this season. It was a humdinger! It really was.

And that was my day. Interesting, but now I can barely keep my eyes open! Gotta go.


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