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May 21, 2004 - Friday

Muggy but no rain.

I slept horribly last night. I woke up coughing around 5 and was also unable to see as my eyelids were glued shut. I think I woke up my husband, and the more I tried to stop coughing, the more I did. Finally I was able to stop for a while and go back to sleep.

At the apartment today I only did load because I was too tired to do two....and then took a nap. It was nice but I didn't want to wake up afterwards.

I had an interesting day at work. I had two classes in a row right off the bat, then a break. I finished the day with two classes in a row. So, it was a bit balanced. Still, most of the classes went well, except I did too much talking in them. Now, my throat is really sore.

After work Fumihiko took me to Cocos for dinner. I had something different for a change, the trio plate. It was okay. There's a waiter there who really bugs me. He just seems drippy. He never smiles, never seems to recognize that we go there a lot...I don't know, he just gives me a bad feeling. If there was tipping in Japan, I wouldn't give him anything! He just is too stuck up or something.

We came home and now I'm updating my blog and my iPod. Last night I downloaded an update for it. iTunes has an interesting new feature now, the Party Mix. I made a lot of my own mixes before, but this one seems to be quite cool too.

Anyway, I'm off to shower and go to bed soon. I'm not sure if I'll update tomorrow or not. If I don't, don't worry about me!

Night everyone!

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