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May 25, 2004 - Tuesday

Cloudy, windy but not rainy.

This morning I went to the apartment, the new apartment and did my morning stuff there! That was cool. I slept in the bed which was neat and then showered and cooked breakfast. Using my new frypan was nice too, except it's a bit big for a two egg omelet.

Work was very very slow today. I only had two classes show up. It was sad, considering I had to spend the whole day at the school. And, it was the Tenjin Festival today too.

After work, Fumihiko came and picked me up and we went to the Korean restaurant. We had great food. We ate Bulgogi, spicy pork and mushroom stirfry. It was a great meal.

We came home and now I'm watching and taping All of Me, the old Lily Tomlin-Steve Martin movie. It's a hoot.

Anyway, that's it for me for tonight. Night night!

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