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October 10, 2004 - Sunday

Cool, cloudy, but clearing in the afternoon.

A nice day. This morning I slept in very late after Fumihiko went to work. It was lovely and I really enjoyed it! When I got up I did my laundry and then I did quite a bit of cleaning up. I haven't done any around here in a while. Actually, neither of us have.

I moved my cd rack to the spare room and put my cds in it. I have a lot still at the house but if I bringthem here too I'll need another rack!

Between everything I also managed to finish a book for the first time in almost a month. I finished the latest Anne Rice. Hurray. At least I think it's the latest Anne Rice. Blood Canticle. That's the one I read.

After Fumihiko came home we spent some time together and then went out for dinner. We went to the place in Voice and had the same waitress as we did last night! Funny world. We had "Genghis Khan", lamb and veggies cooked on a helmet! It was good actually. I enjoyed it.

We discussed going to karaoke but decided not to do it. When we arrived back at the apartment I suggested going for a walk, so that's what we did. We walked to Tsuruoka Park, then to the near city hall, then back. It was a nice evening for a walk. We had to make a detour to a convenience store to use the washroom, but it was lovely and clean so no problem!

When we got home we watched Amelie on DVD. I'd bought it in Canada so it has English subtitles rather than Japanese ones. Fumihiko watched it gamely, although I think he fell asleep at one point in the story. With the subtitles in English it made a heck of a lot more sense to me than it did when I saw it at the theatre! I saw it with Japanese subtitles. It just didn't work that way. It was a charming story. Very well made and fun too.

And now, Fumihiko is off to dreamland and I'm at my computer. I hope to get to sleep soon. I'm pretty tired. I'm glad we went for a walk, it's the first time in a long time that I've done anything even approaching exercise!

Gotta go....night night.

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