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October 11, 2004 - Monday

Bit of rain, bit of cloud.

Today was all sixes and sevens for me. I was up and down mood wise all day. Not sure why exactly.

This morning I was awakened by Fumihiko. He got me to put a plaster on his back. He didn't wake me up to do that, but he always wakes me up. It doesn't matter to him if I wake up. I'd prefer not to. Then, when I tried to fall asleep he kept trying to cuddle me all morning. Finally around 11 I gave in and got up.

We drove to Sakata to go to the Hotel Rich for lunch. They had a nice buffet today. There were only two main dishes that I could eat, but they were okay. I had chicken in wine sauce and some fish. The salad was nice too.

After that we drove to Hard Off and had a look around. There wasn't anything that really tempted me, honestly speaking. Then we went to La Casa, the interior design store. I got some Christmas postcards for my students this year, and some incense. I also got some measuring spoons for cooking with. Fumihiko at my suggestion got a halogen lamp for the bedroom. It's small and of course, very bright. I think it'll be better than the one he was using before. We had some coffee there too, then went to the mall.

I was hoping that there was a good movie to see at the mall but there wasn't anything I wanted to see. We decided to go to I, Robot, but we had nothing to do for the hour until it started so I got a bit cross. Everytime I asked Fumihiko what he'd like to do he said he didn't care or had no idea, so I got sick of it. I finally said, okay, let's just go home.

He didn't protest too much so we left the mall and went grocery shopping. In the store I asked him if he'd like to go out for dinner or make something at home. Guess what he said,"I don't care and I have no idea about where to go." So, I ended up buying stuff for home.

He dropped me off at home and he went to pick up his pictures and to find out what happened to my VCR. The store has had it for about a month and a half now and I'm getting ticked off. Apparently it's still at the manufacturers getting fixed. Hmm. A likely story.

I started dinner while he was out. I heated chicken steaks in the pan with an onion, sundried tomatoes and some veggies. Later I added some thickener and some spicy sauces. When it was time to eat them, they were delicious. I really enjoyed them.

After dinner Fumihiko washed dishes using his patented "Longest Dishwashing Technique in the World". It drives me crazy how long it takes him but it makes him happy.

Then we settled down to watch a movie. Today's film was Lord of the Rings, The Fellowship of the Ring. It was pretty good, even on the small screen. A bit hokey though. However, now that I've seen the whole thing, I understand a few things a bit better now. That's a good thing.

Fumihiko is off taking a bath now. Hopefully he'll be off to bed soon. I'm still tired since I didn't get enough sleep yesterday.

Anyway, I know I sound cranky, and I am, but hopefully I'll be better tomorrow. I hope! Or else my students had better watch out!

Gotta go, night night.

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