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October 14, 2004 - Thursday

Sunny and warm, rainy at night.

A pretty good day. Fumihiko did sort of wake me up this morning but it was okay as I went back to sleep right afterwards. And, a big surprise today! I went for a walk. It was a lovely morning so I roused myself and went out for 30 minutes. I even found the local post office so I could pick up a form to transfer money.

I went to work on time and everything was fine. I had a few classes today, and they all happened and went well! It was a good day at work basically.

After work I showed my student one of the school's products and then called my husband. He came and got me. I'm glad because it was really rainy and I didn't want to bike home! We detoured through the grocery store for a few things for supper and then went home.

At home, Fumihiko did most of the cooking. He did a good job too. We had salmon courtesy of Shimi...Thank you Shimi...and veggies. Everything was great. We did dishes after that, then drank some tea. Fumihiko is watching tv now, baseball.

In big news today, I got my VCR back. Finally. I don't know if it works yet though. I hope so!

So that's it for me. Gotta go. Night night!

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