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October 13, 2004 - Wednesday

Clear and nice day. Rain early, but only in the morning.

An okay day. I didn't get up and walk this morning either. Sigh. I slept in quite a bit and then got up and checked email. That was fun. I usually do it at night, but this morning sent some.

Work was fun today. In one class we made witches hats, and in another I made the students laugh really hard by using "blah" in conversations. Usually my students just don't "get" it, but today they did.

After work, Fumihiko picked me up and we went to Gusto. It was really okay tonight. They have a new set of dishes available if you save enough tickets, so I'll see which dishes we need most. Honestly though, I'd prefer to just order a box of dishes from North America. I would if I could.

And that was that. Nothing too special. An okay sort of day.

Gotta go...night night!

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