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October 16, 2004 -Saturday

Warm and sunny, nice day.

A pretty good day. I got to sleep in a bit this morning, then Fumihiko and I went out to Gusto for breakfast. I stopped into a drugstore to get some medicine before work. I've been having terrible allergy attacks lately. I woke up this morning with one nostril totally plugged up. Blech.

Work was okay. The mini-monsters weren't too bad today. I knew that two of them would be absent, but the another student was gone too. He'd had something at school. I felt a bit sorry for him.

I did a lot of prep for my classes on Tuesday, read the newspaper, looking for articles for students and didn't find any. I basically had a quiet day at work. It was nice!

After work, Fumihiko and I went to Cocos and then went to 3 different grocery stores looking for things for his nabe. He's going to make nabe for the Halloween Party that we're going to tomorrow. I'm making my simple but delicious nama ham roll-ups. Yum.

We came home and I made some Chai. Not the usual kind with lots of sugar, but a lovely organic one with a lovely orangey smell. It's wonderful.

I think we'll go to bed soon. I'm a bit tired and I'd like to get some sleep tonight. So, talk to you later!Night night.

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