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October 17, 2004 - Sunday

Sunny but a bit cool all day.

A good day! This morning we slept in a bit and then prepared our stuff for the Sakata Party. I made Nama Ham Rollups and Fumihiko made a nabe. Then we made our own breakfasts. I had an omelet with avocado and cheese. It was really good.

We drove to Sakata with a brief stop at a hundred yen shop to get something for Fumihiko's costume. He got a wrestler's mask and a bow tie, which he didn't wear.

The party was a lot of fun. We played games, we ate and drank and played more games. We both really enjoyed ourselves.

The second party was at an izakaya. We ate quite a lot, but not quite enough! Still, it was fun.

After the second party some of us went to karaoke. We enjoyed it, but had to leave after a couple of hours to go home. Poor Fumihiko has to work tomorrow.

We went into M's Dining in Sakata for a late dinner then came home. Husbando is taking a bath. I think we'll both be going to bed quite soon. I'm feeling a little tired. It's been a stressful week in many ways.

That's it for me. A good party! Thanks to the Sakata staff for inviting us!

Night night!

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