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October 18, 2004 - Monday

Sunny and quite warm.

A nice but a bit quiet day. I slept in late and it was wonderful! I didn't want to get up at all.

When I did I was busy though. I cleaned the toilet, did laundry and cleaned our bathroom. I did four loads of laundry, so quite a lot.

And, my friend Ritsuko came over for a visit. It was nice to see her again. We had coffee and a long chat. Mostly we complained about our mother in laws, although lately I have nothing to complain about. Thank goodness.

When Fumihiko came home we had coffee and then we went out for dinner. I wanted to try something different, so we went to the Washington Hotel. We had their Thai/Vietnamese dinner. It was really nice, a little spicy, but in a good way. However, I think I over-carbed it. My body is having a bad reaction to some of the food. I tried to stay as low carb as possible, but didn't quite manage it. It's been so long since I've had sweet food that my body doesn't know how to handle it.

However, the view from the restaurant was lovely and something nice happened to me. I won 2000 yen in gift certificates for the next time I go there. Hurray! I never win anything so a great surprise.

I didn't want to go home right after our meal so I asked Fumihiko if we could go to the book store. We did and I got a couple of novels and a new calendar for next year at work. It's good because I can put notes about student classes et cetera on it. Hurray.

Then we went to the grocery store and picked up a few things for this week. Funny how a few things cost so much! Bah.

We came home and had some coffee before Fumihiko went and took a bath. He was busy at work so he's tired, and now I feel a bit under the weather so I may go to bed soon too. Poor me.

Catch you tomorrow? Night night.

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