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October 29, 2004 - Friday

Sunny and nice, bit cool though.

An okay day today. I went to work, did a ton of prep work for the next few days, then taught my classes. They seemed to go quite well, thanks very much!

When I finished work Fumihiko picked me up and we went home! Fumihiko had prepared a nabe and some tuna sashimi. I'm afraid I didn't really like the tuna, so only ate a couple of pieces. I'm not sure why, but store bought sashimi often turns my stomach, but I love sashimi in restaurants! I'm weird I guess.

I started my new novel this morning, Angels and Demons. It's by the same guy that wrote The Da Vinci Code. I enjoyed the novel, but I didn't like it. Does that make any sense? It's intriguing, but it wasn't well written. He has a great story but the presentation is lacking somewhat. He's a bit like Iris Johanson. I like her stories but they fall to pieces at the end and fizzle out.

And that's about it. Tomorrow night I'll be cooking up a storm. I have to make my devilled eggs and my ham roll-ups too. Wish me luck!

Night night.

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