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October 28, 2004 - Thursday

Sunny and clear.

An interesting morning! The alarm didn't go off this morning. I woke up and thought it looked very light in our room. I checked my cell phone clock and it said 8:28 am. Yikes! Fumihiko was supposed to be at work in 2 minutes. He got out of bed quickly and raced to get ready. I was very awake so I stayed up until he left, then made the bed and snoozed on the couch.

When I was ready to leave, I was late of course. When I finished unlocking my bike I noticed that the chain was off. I gave a half-hearted attempt to fix it, then realized I could take my old bike. I ran back to the apartment for the key, unlocked it and rode off. I finally noticed how much I like my new bike when I rode my old bike.

I did make it to work on time with a scant 3 minutes to spare, and opened up the school. The takkyubin (delivery service) guy was happy because he was going to leave when I arrived. I'm the only foreigner that works in the building so he knew me and that I worked for my school. I took his box and went upstairs.

I had a pretty good day teaching wise. I wasn't too busy today at school, but I got a few little things done. That was good. I also finished my novel on my lunch hour..the John Grisham. It was good.

When I finished work I called Fumihiko. He was at the house. I told him about my bike situation and said that I'd be happy to ride my bike back to the apartment. He would have given me a ride, but he had to go back to his office first. So, I rode home.

On the way, I heard a weird noise. At first I thought it was some wild animals, like coyotes or something, but realized that I've never heard of them in Japan. As it got louder I looked up and I saw them. A formation of 8 or 9 white swans were flying overhead. It was an interesting sight. They were remarkably loud. I saw more later on in the evening too.

I got to the apartment, parked my old bike and had a look at my new bike. I grabbed the chain and this time put a wholehearted effort into fixing it and did. I also got covered in bike oil! Fumihiko arrived back about 3 minutes later and checked my fixing job for me. I think he approved of it! We declared my bike fixed. I went into the apartment to wash my hands, then we left for dinner.

We went to Cocos. It was quite nice tonight. The drippy waiter that I don't like wasn't there. Hurray. On the way out I was complaining that my purse was too heavy. I noticed a container on the counter to collect money to send goods (turns out to be water and other necessities) to Niigata. I put a bunch of my spare change in the tin. I think the waitress and my husband thought I was a bit crazy, but I really wanted to do something to help. It's difficult to do anything when you can't speak Japanese.

Anyway, we came home, after talking about our next holiday. It's a bit sad for Fumihiko because he was supposed to go to Bali next month but the trip has been cancelled. He didn't really want to go without me, but I didn't like the sound of the trip. I didn't want to drive to Narita Airport...blech. No plans made yet, but it's fun to think about.

And that's it. My day. It was okay, not bad, not great!

Night night.

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