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October 30, 2004 - Saturday

Clear in the early part of the day, rainy at night.

An okay day. I did all the usual morning stuff and then left for work. I left a few minutes early for a change too, that was nice!

Work was very boring today. I only had two classes! My two double classes didn't show up. One called so I didn't expect him, but the other person. Hmm?

I did a lot of preparation for tomorrow's party tonight too. I cleaned off the tables, then I cleaned the tables too. They looked pretty good actually. I also cleaned out one of our garbage cans too. Yuck! Still, it had to be done.

Fumihiko picked me up and we went to Gusto. At Gusto I discovered two things. My full Tower Records card expires next month, and Fumihiko has tomorrow off. So, we decided that after my party tomorrow we'll drive to Sendai. We're kind of crazy, aren't we? Don't answer that! I also discovered that my chicken wasn't fully cooked. It was very pink inside. I just couldn't eat it. Bleck. I left most of it on my plate.

When we came home, Fumihiko cleaned the bath and I think the bathroom too. I did clean the bathroom just a week ago, so not sure why it needed cleaning again. However, the fact that he did any cleaning is good, so I'm not going to fight it!

I hard cooked my eggs tonight, tomorrow I'll have to make up my devilled eggs, and my nama ham roll ups. Yum. I hope that the party tomorrow will be fun. There'll be a lot of kids there, but for a Halloween Party I think that will be fun. Fumihiko is going to come after all, and he's bringing food from a restaurant, kind of a party platter. Should be good, I hope!

So, I may not update tomorrow night. If I do, it'll be late. Don't miss me too much! Night night.

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