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September 3, 2004 - Friday

Sunny and warm, nice day.

A good day. This morning Fumihiko got up, went to work, and stayed at work! I got up around 9 and took a nap on the couch. After a while I did the usual morning stuff, then went to work by bicycle. My poor bike was covered in spiders and spider webs. Yuck.

Work was fine today. I wasn't terribly busy. I planned my classes for today and tomorrow, then I read the newspaper. I did have a new class start today. It's a kids class, but the girl is very nice and is a returnee so she's quite high. I'm going to have fun with her I think.

After work Fumihiko met me and took me to M's Dining. I had their special burger with bread (fed to Fumihiko), soup, salad, and drink bar. It was quite good. On the way home we picked up some instant decaf coffee and then headed home.

Fumihiko has been plying me with ice tea and coffee all evening. Maybe he wants me to pay some attention to him? Maybe that's what I'll do now. Gotta go...night night!

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