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September 2, 2004 - Thursday

Rainy and cloudy all day.

A weird day. This morning Fumihiko got up for work, ate his breakfast, kissed me goodbye and left for work. I decided to get up and check my email before taking a nap on the couch until it was time to get up. Well, I was waiting to load something on the net when he came back! He didn't have to work today either. Can you believe it? He didn't have to work for 5 days! In a row. It really isn't fair. We went to bed and snuggled for a while.

I was slightly busy at work today. I didn't have a lot to do, but all of my classes took place which was nice. For a change! I prepared some stuff for the next couple of weeks too. My kids classes especially. Well, I didn't really prepare them, I just got them ready to grab and go.

After work I did my paperwork and waited for my hubby to call me. And waited. And waited more. I called him finally at 9:50, but there was no answer. At 10 I decided to walk home. I called and left a message on his phone again to say I was walking. When I was walking down the Main Street, I saw him go by, but he didn't see me waving at him. Sigh. A few minutes later I felt my phone rang. He'd gone out without his cell phone and lost track of time. He met me at the convenience store near our place.

We came home for dinner rather than going out. I reheated last night's leftovers, added a bit of curry powder and some cream. Oh my gosh! It was SOOOO good. Amazingly good actually. I cooked pasta for Fumihiko and he made fried tofu again. I was a little mad at him because instead of coming and eating he was playing (breaking?) with my TV. For some reason the picture disappeared, but I didn't care as there was nothing on anyway.

After dinner Fumihiko started to do the dishes and promptly cut his finger on a sharp knife that he'd put in the basin. I got him a bandaid and then took over. It was bleeding a lot. I finished washing the dishes and then came and opened up my computer.

So that basically was my day. I had a pretty good one! I hope tomorrow will be good too. Night night!

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