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September 10, 2004 - Friday

Mainly sunny, with some rain.

I'm back. The meeting was surprisingly good! I learned a lot and enjoyed myself to boot. Yay! Getting to Chitose Airport and back wasn't fun, but I survived. Last night, I went to bed before 11, and I'm sure was asleep by 11:30. When the alarm rang this morning at 6:30 I wasn't tired! Amazing.

Aki and I came back on the 8:00 am flight to Akita, then spent some time in Akita city. I visited Tower Records and left considerably poorer! I got some good stuff and I'm looking forward to playing it all.

We also went to Starbucks and enjoyed coffee and chat. On the train back to Sakata I got stuck into my book, Elizabeth George's A Place of Hiding. As always, I really enjoy this book. She writes very well.

I got back to school just before three and got really busy. I had to plan all of my lessons for tomorrow and one of my lessons for today. I didn't quite make it, so I had to stay late tonight and do some more prep work. I even got Fumihiko in on the action! He got to cut cards for me!

Classes went quite well today and I enjoyed teaching them.

After work, and after Fumihiko helped me finish up, we went to Gusto for dinner. I wanted something cheap and cheerful. I wanted steak. Gusto changed their menu though and they don't have steak anymore. Instead they had chicken. So, that's what I ordered. It was pretty good.

We came home and I gave Fumihiko his souvenirs. He got some Royce chocolates, some Sapporo ramen and a Louis Armstrong cd. I think he liked them! I hope so.

I hope to go to bed soon. I'm really tired and I need to sleep. Catch you tomorrow? Night!

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