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September 7, 2004 -Tuesday

Windy, but warm, typical pre-typhoon weather.

A good but busy day! In the morning I slept in then made Fumihiko take me out for breakfast! It was okay. He dropped me off at work and I worked!

I was a bit busy today....six classes. Not bad. They went quite well too. My last class even showed up which was amazing.

After work, Fumihiko picked me up and we went to Cocos. We both had the same thing, and I drank a lot of coffee, which was a stupid thing to do!

When we came home I tried on some outfits for my meeting and decided what to wear. I've decided on my blue Thailand suit, and a white blouse. For an emergency I have another blouse too. I had to sew on a button and do a lot of ironing tonight too. I hate ironing! I don't have my nice ironing board over at the apartment yet. Poor me.

And that was my day. I won't be updating for at least 2 nights, so don't miss me too much. Take care, and see you on Friday if all goes well.

Bye for now!

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