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September 17, 2004 - Friday

Sunny and warm....rain in the morning.

A pretty good day. It was nice to sleep in my own bed again, I missed that. When I got up this morning I napped on the sofa and then did my morning stuff. I rode to work, and just made it in time as the construction down Main Street was terrible. I had to go the long way round! Yuck.

I wasn't busy in the early part of the day, so I did some paperwork and read the newspaper. In the evening I had 4 classes in a row, which seemed to go well.

Fumihiko came and picked me up and we went to Dan. We didn't have all of our old favourites, we tried some new dishes. Tonight we had pumpkin salad, eggplant, chicken, salmon and fish. Everything was good, but I think the pumpkin was too high in carbs for me. Sigh.

We came home and that's about that. It was a nice day. Tomorrow I'll be quite busy, but Tuesday will be busier....7 lessons. Argh! Scary.

Gotta go...night night!

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