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September 16, 2004 - Thursday

Sunny and warm today.

I'm back, and, it's my anniversary! Hurray to both. I enjoyed my brief stay in Joetsu and I liked the staff at the school there. They were all very nice. I think the new teacher will work out well.

This morning I got up at the almost ungodly hour of 6:15. I showered and then dressed and left for the bus. I made it in good time, which was a good thing as I didn't know where the bus left from. Luckily I saw a bus on my way to the station, and also a map on the Koban (Police Box) so I guessed correctly that the bus was down the street from the train station. Whew! I was right!

Two hours later I was in Niigata and in good time for my train. I decided to go for breakfast to Royal Host. I assumed they'd be on their lunch menu but they were still serving breakfast. Yay! That's what I had...scrambled eggs, bacon, and salad. Plus Earl Grey tea. Heaven.

I caught my train easily and started my new book. It's called Storm and it's set in Scotland. I'm enjoying it so far.

I got back to Tsuruoka, went to the school and worked. That part was pretty simple.

After work, Fumihiko took me to Moundon for Korean food. It was delicious and I really enjoyed it. We had yakiniku and mushroom itame.

We came home via the grocery store, and now I'm doing this. We're both really tired and I think I have a bit of a cold coming on...I'm trying to fight it though. I hope to get to bed soon, as I'm quite beat.

So, on that note, I'll bid you good night! Night all!

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