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September 18, 2004 - Saturday

Sunny and warm, rainy at night.

A good day. I wasn't as busy as I thought I'd be, but that was good in a way! I got my lessons for Tuesday all planned. I'm so happy because I'll be really busy then...7 lessons. Yikes.

Work went well, the kids actually really loved the song that was in the text. I did it at Joetsu when I was there and it went okay, but here the kids were all doing the actions. In fact, we did it twice, by request!

After work I called Fumihiko early and said, "Come and get me." Unfortunately he didn't answer his phone until later! Still, he did come and we went out for dinner.

We went over to the place in Voice and had yakiniku and Genghis Khan. That's basically yakiniku, but with lamb on a helmet shaped grill. It was darn good, and we really enjoyed that. We also got a bit experimental and tried some ostrich. It was good! I think it tasted (no, not like chicken) a bit like duck. A little gamey, but quite nice.

We came home and are deciding what to do with ourselves now. Fumihiko doesn't have to work tomorrow, so after I do laundry, what should we do? Hmmm? Tune in and find out!

Gotta go...night night!

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