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September 23, 2004 - Thursday

Sunny and warm.

A good day. We went to bed late. I use my computer to make a reservation for a hotel in Niigata when we come back from Guam. It took a long time, but I was able to do that through the internet. Yay! We also got up late. We went for lunch and then bought some flowers at the grocery store.

We went to the Temple/shrine whatever to put the flowers on Fumihiko's father's grave, and then we went to the mall.

At the mall I got myself a lovely new cordless mouse. Hurray. The old one worked well, but the cord was too short. This one doesn't have that problem. I also got a USB port and some blank cds.

Fumihiko went to see a movie by himself and I went shopping. I saw a cute little table and chair for my computer that I'm thinking about getting, but I'm not sure yet. I got some stuff for our trip and also two new shirts. I got a black one for work and a black one for casual wear.

After Fumihiko's movie we went to see another one! Taking Lives with Angelina Jolie. I liked the movie but it wasn't great. Still, it was interesting.

We had supper at Benkei's and then came back here to relax. I'll probably go to bed soon. So, goodnight everyone!

Night night!

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