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September 24, 2004 - Friday

Rainy and cloudy.

Today was a good day, except for poor Fumihiko. He couldn't sleep last night and ended up getting up at around 4 because of his back. I slept quite well though.

Work was fine and I got a lot of pre-holiday stuff done. I'm glad because otherwise it wouldn't get done at all! I called my manager at one point to find out what she wanted me to do with a book and discovered that my mother in law had phoned her to see where I was. Hmm! What does she think I do? I wonder if maybe she thinks I left Fumihiko because she hasn't seen me for ages! Nope. I get mad at him and vice versa, but not gonna happen for now!

After work I went out for tea with two of my students. One of them is transferring to Hokkaido so we went to Mr. Donuts and talked. She said the nicest things about my teaching quite made my day! I always worry that I don't have the "excitement" going in my classes, but maybe I have more idea of what my students really need to learn.

After that, I called Fumihiko and he picked me up at the school and we went to Cocos for dinner. When we left, we got a nice surprise. We've gone so much that we can now get a "Gold Card". From now on we'll get a 10% discount each time we go there. Hey, not bad!

We came home and I finished up my packing, then I burned a cd for the trip tomorrow. I put a few rocking hits on it, so I don't know if Fumihiko will like it. Then again, it might just keep him awake!

I have to go. We'll be back around the first of the month. Don't miss me too much! Night night.

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