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July 15, 2005 - Friday

A bit rainy, with some sun too.

Well, idiot me stayed up late last night to watch Meet Joe Black. I enjoyed it, but I think I should have taped it and watched it later. It was really hard to get up this morning, I can tell you.

Went to work, work was fine. Same old same old! In one of my classes I told my student all about making tandori chicken. I'm trying to get her to try it for herself. At lunch I went out to the grocery store to get some drinks. It was nice just to get out of the school too.

After work, I finished up and Fumihiko came and picked me up. We went to a very busy Gusto. It was so busy that it was hard to hear each other. I had chicken and soup & salad. It was all quite good. However, I was gabbing away to Fumihiko when I did something really dumb. I was putting creamer into my iced tea, when I realized it wasn't my iced was my soup! I said a bad word, and Fumihiko and I laughed at my stupidity! It actually tasted quite good.

We came home and after a while we watched the end of Hot Shots. Fumihiko had been watching it earlier. We also had a bit of a snack.Crispbreads with cream cheese or avocado on them. Yum.

And that was my day. We'll likely go to bed soon. I'm still tired and I vowed to get to bed earlier tonight. Have a good one! Night night.


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