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March 10, 2005 - Thursday

Warm and sunny. Is this Spring?

A pretty good day. I got up around the usual time, did my morning stuff and then left for work. I had no troubles at all today, and got there in plenty of time.

It was mostly a good day except that my child student cried today. I don't think I was being mean to him or anything. He had been a bit sick last week and maybe he still didn't feel that well. Anyway, by the end of class he was fine and we played a rhyming/reading game. He did very well at that, so he was happy.

After work Fumihiko picked me up, but he wasn't feeling that well. He thinks he might be getting a cold. I hope not! Still, I asked him not to take me to a real restaurant then, we went to a gyudon shop. I had yakiniku, but sadly it was covered in a yucky thick sauce and I don't think it agrees with me. I'm hoping it'll be okay.

When I got home I found out that my birthday present from my sister is in the country now, it's at the main post office. I'll try to pick it up tomorrow if I have time.

And that's about it. My day, not very exciting, but okay. Have a good one!


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