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March 9, 2005 - Wednesday

Sunny and clear.

A pretty good day. I got up and checked my email, then I took a nap. I did all my usual morning stuff and left in plenty of time to ride my bike. I went out to the bike shed and discovered that my bike was there, but not locked up. Ahhh? Husbando? Are you crazy? So, I took the lock off his bike - which was really my lock after all- and left his bike unlocked. I'm so mean!

Work was okay today. One of the kids was absent in my kids class but the class went very smoothly without him. That kind of surprised me. My other classes went well. In my last class, one student stayed away because he had the flu. Thank you! I appreciate it. I don't want to get that.

After work I sent Fumihiko a message that I was finished, but he was still working. I didn't mind, I was reading my latest Dean Koontz and it was right at the end and I didn't want to stop reading. I was very very close to the end when Fumihiko came in. I even made him wait 3 more minutes so I could finish the novel. It was good...Cold Fire. I'd never read it before, even though it was quite an old one.

We had a late dinner in Gusto. For a change, we both had the same thing. I rather stupidly burnt my finger on the hotplate. Even though I put a cold glass against it right away, I've now got a burn mark on my finger. What a klutz.

We came home via the grocery store. At home, Fumihiko made coffee and I read the afterword in my book and tried to do some figuring out for a pattern I want to make. Jusco is selling off some beautiful wool and I'd really love to buy some and make myself something nice out of it. I enjoyed making my scarf very much and I had forgotten how much I enjoy crafting.

That pretty much was my day. It was good. Tomorrow I'll be a little bit busy in the early part of the day, but nothing too bad. I'm looking forward to it.

Gotta go, night night!


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