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March 15, 2005 - Tuesday

Clear and sunny, bit cold.

A good day basically. I didn't have to rush this morning, I got everything done that I needed too before work. That was nice.

Work was good. My classes went pretty well, and I was busy doing other things afterwards. I vacuumed the lobby and my class, prepped for tomorrow and a couple of other classes and just kept busy.

In one of my classes I learned that my hubby had left my bike's basket behind on Saturday night. He left it lying on the ground in the parking lot behind our building. Crazy guy.

After work I read a bit more of my book, The Golem's Eye. It's the second novel in the Bartimaeus Trilogy, and I'm really enjoying it. It's very different from the Harry Potter books, even though they are both about magic.

We went to M's Dining for dinner tonight and it was okay. It wasn't busy, so we could get in right away, but my burger was a bit small and I'm still hungry. Oh well.

Fumihiko and I came home and had some coffee and spent a bit of time together. I also wrote a ton of email. I'm trying to book my holiday in Canada by email, I also had to reply to a friend's email and ended up listing up all the songs on a cd for the CDDB library/listing. Busy woman, eh?

And of course, it's the Ides of March today too. Everybody, say it with me now "I says to him, Julie, don't go...." Maybe just the Canadians then!

Gotta go, night night.


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