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March 14, 2005 - Monday

Snowy in places, clear here.

A great weekend. Yesterday we got up early and drove to Sendai. We had a good time there. I shopped till I couldn't shop anymore...and that's a lot! We drove back to Yamagata last night to stay at a hotel there. The trip was pretty uneventful, in a good way.

Today, we got up early to have breakfast, then we went to the mall in Yamagata. We each did a bit of shopping, I got some undies and Fumihiko bought me a pair of shoes. He got a belt.

The next part of the day wasn't so great as we drove around aimlessly, looking for someplace to eat. We knew that there were at least two restaurants in Yamagata that I would eat at, Milky Way and Bikkuri Donkey. Well, despite the fact that we'd seen them before, we couldn't find them. Sigh. After an hour of driving down the same roads I said just take me to a convenience store and I'll get something there. So, that's what we did. It was okay actually. I didn't mind that much. I did tell Fumihiko that we'd see one of the restaurants five minutes later, and I was right! We ended up driving past one of them within 5 minutes of getting back on the road.

We came back to Tsuruoka on the highway. It was mostly fine, but in a few places there was a lot of snow and ice. We had to drive carefully. Well, I didn't have to, Fumihiko did.

In Tsuruoka we ended up going to 3 electronic stores. I didn't buy much, just a few things for my printer. We also got some groceries. Then we came home.

At home we discovered that my tape of the Oscars had arrived so we popped that in. It's kind of cool. I'm really enjoying it, and I think so is my hubby. That's about it for me for now...I wanna watch the Oscars now! Night night!


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