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November 4, 2005 - Friday

Sunny, with evening thundershowers.

Not a great day. This morning when I went to bed I couldn't sleep very much. It took ages to fall asleep. I was bone tired all day.

Fumihiko and I had a fight this morning. It started as my fault, but he carried it a bit too far.

I went to work and for the first few hours planned lessons for today and tomorrow. I was busy.

After work, I got on my bike and came home via the grocery store. I picked up some roast beef and a salad.

At home I was surprised to see Fumihiko's car there, and the door when I tried it was locked. He looked surprised when he let me in. I guess he'd been planning to pick me up but must have fallen asleep on the couch.

We've gradually been getting friendlier as the night progresses. We're just going to have some coffee.

Oh, tomorrow and tomorrow's tomorrow I might not update. I'm not sure, but I might be going away this weekend. Don't miss me if I don't update.

Got to go. Night.


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