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November 4, 2004 - Thursday

Clear in the daytime, rainy at night.

A normal sort of day. I got up, did my stuff, left for work. Oh, and I checked the internet sites too and found out that George Bush was re-elected. Sigh. Thank goodness I'm not a U.S. citizen.

I wasn't too busy at work. I had 4 classes scheduled but only 3 showed up. Sigh. I did a bit of making work for myself. I'll have to do more of that tomorrow.

Classes went quite well today. I was well rested and feeling good. Hurray.

After work Fumihiko took me to Gusto for dinner. It was okay tonight. I didn't have the chicken that I had last time. I couldn't face it.

When we got home Fumihiko turned on the news and it just got me really depressed. I hate it, because it's all in Japanese, but he gives me updates in English and it just sounds worse. Now I'm using my computer and tuning him out. I've got my headphones on and I just feel sad and depressed.

Hopefully I'll feel better soon. I maybe just need a good song? That'll do it!

Anyway, tomorrow I won't be very busy at work. Both of my private lessons for tomorrow re-scheduled so I won't have a class until 5! Oh well. Gives me time to prepare for Saturday and Tuesday then.

Gotta go, night night!

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