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November 20, 2005 - Sunday

Rainy and snowy, bit cool.

Was a good day, but now slipping dangerously.

We drove to Yamagata on Saturday night and stayed at a hotel in Yamagata. It was quite a nice one. I really thought it was remarkably comfortable.

This morning we got up early, had breakfast and then checked out of the hotel. We drove to Sendai, and as Fumihiko promised, got there in under an hour. We went to the mall.

At the mall I found a kiosk that was selling rubber stamps for New Years cards, so I bought some. I didn't really want to make any this year, but have been told that I should. After that, I bought a few books and magazines at the bookstore. We were going to head downtown, but then discovered there was a firestation in the area.

We drove around for a couple of hours looking for firestations. Seriously, 2 hours. At our second station, Fumihiko finally found the forms he needed. We had lunch on the way out of town.

We drove back to Tsuruoka and made good time. There was a bit of snow along the way though. It was a good thing that Fumihiko bought new winter tires yesterday.

We met Chris and Yumiko at the restaurant. Tonight the Washington Hotel had "Steak Hodai" which means you can eat as many steaks as you want in 90 minutes. We all ate too much! It was fun though. After we drove them back to Sakata and then came home.

Fumihiko is trying to fill out my visa papers again. This is where the bad part of the day comes in. He's really tired now and is very cranky. The questions that he has to answer are weird, and he doesn't like my answers. many times have you left Japan? Well, I haven't "left" Japan. I've gone on some overseas holidays, but I've never left Japan exactly. I've always had belongings here, so I haven't "left".

Anyway, it's time to end this. I'm tired and I need to get my husband to bed soon. He has to work tomorrow.

Gotta go, night.


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