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November 18, 2005 - Friday

Rainy, cold and with a bit of hail in the evening.

A good but busy day. This morning I didn't cut my finger, thank goodness, but it was close! If I hadn't been wearing a bandage on my thumb I probably would have.

I wasn't as busy as I was supposed to be at work, but in another way I was busy. I had two classes cancel which was a shame. I went out to have some coffee in the late afternoon. That was a nice break from my usual routine. I also prepared a class for next week and set up for tomorrow. Yay me.

I didn't have time to watch any dvds today, but I did read a bit on my lunch hour. I've hit my second wind with the book set in Tibet and now I am anxious to find out what happens. Beautiful Ghosts, that's the name. I'll post a review to my book page when I finish it.

After work I emailed Fumihiko and asked him to pick me up. A couple of minutes later he emailed me back and said that he'd just finished. Poor guy. That's so late to finish, especially when you start as early as he does.

We went to Moku-moku for dinner where I had some nice salad and soup and some terrible Japanese-style hamburger. I'm not sure what the problem is there. Their burgers suck. Maybe they use pork, or a higher proportion of pork than other places, but it was not the most delicious hamburger I've had this week. Fumihiko had the dish I often have, the pork stirfry in mustard sauce and liked it.

We came home and made some coffee (Fumihiko) and drank it (especially me) and I made a reservation for a hotel in Yamagata for tomorrow night. So, we'll leave right after work tomorrow night and come back Sunday evening. Don't miss us. At least not too much. We'll be back.

Anyway, that's it for tonight. Have a great evening. Night night!


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