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October 7, 2005 - Friday

Sunny and warm. Nice day.

I had an okay day today. I got to work on time and was busy doing a massive amount of paperwork. Sigh. There really was a lot to do today.

After work, Fumihiko picked me up but looked knackered. I didn't have the heart to make him take me to a regular restaurant, so we went to Yoshinoya for a quick ton-don. It used to be gyu-don, but until Japan allows the US and Canada to export here, it'll be ton-don. (Non Japanese people should note....used to be beef, presently pork. Or as I just spelt it, prok!)

The hubby is in bed now, trying to recover from whatever ails him. My nose is running so I'm thinking of taking some medicine so that I can sleep tonight.

Oh, last night, I was reading someone's blog and I saw they had a cute pet. I checked and I was able to adopt one too. I was a bit greedy and adopted two! However, today I just have one for you to meet. Everyone, scroll down the the bottom of my entry and meet "Genki". You can give her a biscuit if you like, but don't give her too many!

Got to go. Night night.


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