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October 8, 2005 - Saturday

Rainy most of the day, clearing at night.

A good day, but I'm a bit tired, so I'll try to make this brief.

I managed to get to bed a little earlier last night, so when I got up I felt quite good. Yay. I showered and then got dressed so that my hubby could take me out for breakfast!

I was busy at work today. One class cancelled, but I had that darn paperwork again, and it kept me quite busy.

After work, Fumihiko called me and then came by within 3 minutes. I was a bit annoyed at first, I'd wanted a little cool down time from work. He doesn't get it. I need some transition time, AND I needed to finish my work!

We went for yakiniku and it was darn good. Then, we went to karaoke. Yay. We had to wait for a bit, but got in just after 11. We stayed there for over 3 hours. Fumihiko told me that we sang 44 songs! Egads. No wonder my throat is protesting a bit.

Anyway, I'm off to bed soon. I hope to have a busy day of cleaning and laundry tomorrow! Wish me luck.

Night night.


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