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October 9, 2005 - Sunday

Sunny and warm.

If I had just stayed in bed all day it might have been a good day.

When I finally woke up today we got dressed and went for lunch. The first place we tried was booked up. I suggested going out to Mikawa, which we did. I wasn't sure if the place was open still or not, so I asked Fumihiko to go and check it before I got out of the car. I had chosen to wear a skirt and high heels today, so I didn't want to get out and then have to get right back into the car again. Fumihiko went all quiet and angry at that. He's barely spoken to me for the rest of the day.

When we came back to the apartment, he took my bike out of the car, I went into the apartment to get changed and start my laundry. I didn't see him for about 3 hours. He left.

When he came back he didn't speak to me, he just went to our room and read. Then he fell asleep. When he woke up it was too late to go to any of the places that I wanted to go for dinner so he said that he didn't care about my diet anymore, and he was going out to eat.

I stayed home, then went to the grocery store to buy some food. When I came back I watched a bit of Speed on the TV and then he came back. He asked if I was ready to go out for dinner but I told him I'd already got my own stuff. I heated it and ate while watching Speed. A short time later he came through and made some food for himself. Apparently he hadn't eaten, despite saying that he would.

I watched Speed, then watched my tape of The Outsiders. It stood up pretty well. It's too bad that we rarely see C. Thomas Howell and Ralph Macchio these days. Of course, Tom Cruise we can't help but see! There were a lot of good people in that film.

Anyway, while I was watching I did some more work on my shawl fringe. I'm getting there, but it's taking forever.

A few minutes ago, The Kraken Waked. Got up? Don't know exactly what's happening, but he's now vegging on the couch. Doesn't seem too angry.

That's all I'm writing now. It's amazing to me how a man who is so nice usually can be such an idiot on MY days off. Why doesn't he throw these little tantrums when I'm at work?

Oh well. I'm making plans. He might not like them, but I can't say that I care. No hints yet. Apparently he uses his cell phone to read my blog. Sigh.



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