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October 12, 2005 - Wednesday

Warm and sunny.

A pretty good, if busy day. In the morning I wrote some email, so I didn't really have time to take my nap. Sigh. Poor me!

Work was fine today, and I even got there earlier than 2 minutes. Yeah. Getting to work was strange. It seemed like everyone wanted to get in my way, but I finally made it, safe and sound.

I got some good news at work today. One of my students is going to come back. Yeah. Other classes went well and we laughed a lot in them.

Tonight Fumihiko and I went to Dan. We had a lovely meal, eggplant, salad, pork-kimchee, miso pork and chicken. It was yummy. Most of the waiters that served us were new though.

We bought groceries after dinner, and did something great. We took back a ton of empty meat trays! Well, not a ton exactly, two bags of them. Fumihiko had been telling me for ages that they didn't take them back, but they do.

We came home then and watched Desperate Housewives. It was very funny tonight, and a bit sad. Susan lost her towel and had to try to break into her own house, Bree's husband moved out.

And that was it. My day. Not too bad actually!

Gotta go, night night.


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