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October 30, 2005 - Sunday

Warm and sunny, cool at night.

A good day. I slept in late and then Fumihiko and I went out for lunch to Jiro. It was really nice. We went out to a drugstore afterward, but then came home. We cleaned house. I did my laundry and we cleaned up a lot. I vacuumed and Fumihiko tidied up a bunch of his papers. We now have a fairly nice living room and a toilet room. Yay us.

In the evening we went out for dinner to La Chance and came home. We watched Star Wars Episode 4 and then a couple of episodes of Ally McBeal. It was a nice way to spend the evening. I also got out some of my crafts and did up a small beading. I made a beading of a daisy. It's cute.

And that was my day. It was pretty good, but now I'm getting tired and should go to bed soon. I'm having visitors tomorrow morning I think.

Gotta go. Night night!


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