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September 17, 2005 - Saturday

Sunny and hot. Nice day.

Today was a bit strange. I got to work on time - yay - and had a busy morning. My kids class was a bit of a handful today, but I got through it okay.

My day was a bit quiet but I did a lot of prep work so that was good. After work I finished up and then sent my hubby an email asking if he was finished work. He phoned me and told me not only was he finished work, but he was presently watching my video of The Quick and The Dead. Well, anyone that knows me, knows that it's one of my favourite movies and it was a bit upsetting that he'd watch it without me.

We went for dinner to Moku-Moku. Last time we went it was great, but tonight it was only okay. We had some terrible coffee and then left.

We drove around for a while and then came home. We watched the tail end of the movie, now Fumihiko's off bathing. I think we're going to watch Executive Decision in a few minutes. I like that movie. Especially the part (Spoiler Alert!) where Steven Seagal sacrifices himself for the mission. Now, if he'd only do that in every other movie he's ever made/will make in the future.

That's my day. Tomorrow we have to go to the photo studio to look at our pictures and choose the one/ones we want to have printed. I hope they are good. I'm a bit fearful.

Anyway, I'm out of here. Have a good night!


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