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February 2, 2006 - Thursday

Snowy....again. And more is forecast. Argh!

An okay day. I got up early today...amazing what a few minutes extra sleep will do for a person. I did laundry too. I've been putting it off for a few days, but decided that today was the day.

I worked on my granny squares a lot today. I sewed all 16 of them together. They'd make half of a pillow if I wanted. I think I'm going to try to make it a half afghan or something though.

Fumihiko emailed me around 5 and said that he'd be late. I kicked back and relaxed more, and put on the next dvd of Corner Gas. It was hilarious. There was one episode especially where the police officer had a tazer and townsperson was trying to get the police officer to stun him. It was a hoot. I guess you'd have to watch it, but it was really funny.

Six episodes of Corner Gas, the last hour of the movie on NHK, and the news later, (aka 11pm) Fumihiko arrived home. He was tired. Really tired.

We went out to Gusto for dinner. We had a quick dinner, then came home via the grocery store. It was snowing really hard. We weren't in the grocery store very long, something like 10 minutes, but when we came out, the car was covered in snow again. Sigh.

Well, that's my report. It's been a strange day, like most of the days I've had recently. I'll talk to you tomorrow. Night.


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