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May 24, 2006 - Wednesday

Cloudy, but not rainy.

Today was okay. I was feeling better when I got up, and I got up before 10 so that was pretty good! I even intended to have lunch early, but I didn't. I got caught up emailing/chatting with my friend in Canada. She was watching the hockey game, and wouldn't you know it, the Oilers won again! Yeah! I think the score was 5-4. Go Oilers. Fumihiko even came home while we were chatting, we hugged, then he left again.

After lunch and a shower I went out. First to the post office, then to the school. Although I didn't want to do much, I did! I folded towels, put up the new towel racks, and then unpacked two boxes. Yeah. After that, I had a rest and a reading of my magazine. Yay me. I came home just after 5, and Fumihiko came home a bit after that.

We went to a big hardware store to look at whiteboards. They have them, but they only have the hang on the wall kind. I need the kind on a stand. I've found one in a catalogue, but I haven't ordered it yet. While I was there, I bought an umbrella stand. I think it's something that I'd need as otherwise, people will leave their umbrellas all over the place.

We got some gas for the car, then took some more boxes to the school.

Fumihiko brought us home then, and I cooked dinner. Tonight's feast was fried thin pork chops (we're talking thin here), salad and veggies. It was pretty good. I served a variety of sauces on the table for putting on the pork. My favourite was of course the Worchester sauce.

Fumihiko watched Presumed Innocent but I didn't. I was a tad ticked because we'd missed the beginning, so I turned the TV away and didn't watch it. I did listen to it, and it was neat that two cast members from The West Wing were in the film, and of course Raul Julia. Sigh.

But enough about my life! Instead, here's a meme that I've been tagged with. It's interesting so take a look at my answers.

5 Musicians that I currently listen to: 5 Movies/DVDs That I Have Watched Recently 5 TV Shows That I Tend to Watch (Not Necessarily because I want to)

Actually though, I do want to watch all of these. I ignore the yucky stuff my hubby wants to watch.

5 Restaurants I have Visited Recently 5 Foods That I Currently Enjoy Snacking On In return, I tag Susan.....maybe you can get your students to blog this one, and KC if she has time. That's all.

Gotta go, night night!


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