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May 25, 2006 - Thursday

Sunny and gorgeous day.

What a nice day. Really a nice day.

I got up this morning and watched the news. I also did some emailing. I found out that my friend wanted to meet me later at the parade. So, I had an early lunch, got dressed and sunscreened and went out.

I was really lucky and saw my friend really close to where I hoped I would. I parked my bike behind her building and then we went over to watch the parade. The weather as I said was gorgeous so it was a nice day for it. The parade wasn't as energetic or long as it was in other years, but I still enjoyed it very much.

After the parade, we went to Marica to have coffee, but the shop I used to go to had closed. Instead we went to Mr. Donuts. We chatted for a while, but then she had to go. I went over to Marica again and checked out the 100 yen store. I got a few things for the school, and then set off home.

On the way home I ran into one of my ex-students and we chatted for a while. It was nice to see her as I hadn't seen her for a while.

I came home and after a while I got a call from Fumihiko saying that he'd be late. So, I spent more time on my computer! When he did get home, we decided to go for a walk down to the park to see the little shops. We walked around for a while, but didn't buy anything. We came home and I cooked dinner.

Tonight's culinary masterpiece was salad, spicy fried chicken and paneer saag. The last one was a "boil in the bag" vegetarian thing I picked up at the new grocery store. It was great! Really spicy though. Dinner was quite good, all in all. I enjoyed it.

After dinner, Fumihiko did the dishes and I swept the floor. Then, we went out. We took a load of stuff to the school, and then hit the grocery store.

When we came home tonight we watched Holes again. What a great movie. It's a lot of fun. That's about it. I'm hoping to get to bed fairly early.

Oh, I checked my visitors again today and I've had visitors from Luxembourg and China. Cool huh?

Oh, and check out yesterday's meme. It's fun. Night!


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