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May 28, 2007 - Monday

Warm with a bit of cloud.

This morning wasn't good. We had a fight about our fight, but at least we were talking again. I got up quite late because I had no idea how the mood of the room was. After my shower, I was "invited" to go and have lunch before going to the doctor. I didn't want to go with him, but I did.

Lunch wasn't too pleasant. We didn't talk to each other, and the food wasn't that great. We went to the hotel buffet but everything seemed to be greasy today. Bleck.

After lunch we looked at the doctor's clinic hours and we had an hour to kill. Instead of going home, Fumihiko wanted to go to the Chido Museum to renew his membership. We did that, and all in all, it was probably a good idea. They had the Katana show on again, which Fumihiko loves, so he got into a much better mood. I always have a million questions when I see swords so the only way I could get them answered was to talk to him! We did buy a book there in the exhibit. It was from the Museum of Boston about the Gassan Swordmakers. I'm not sure which one of us will read it. Maybe me. We wandered around some of the other exhibits this time and I got Fumihiko to explain what they were to me...that is, when he knew. Some things in the museum just aren't explained that well.

Soon it was time to head over to the doctor's office. We waited for a while, and then got in to see the nurse. She asked us why we hadn't gone back earlier. I didn't know, but we could have gone back just to get more medicine. Ummm honey, important info, no?? When I finally got to see the doctor, she basically didn't know what was wrong with me so she asked if they could test my blood. Gulp. Okay, sure. The nurse who took my blood was very good and it didn't hurt very much at all. I couldn't look though.

After a few minutes we went back in to see the doctor and she said I'm anemic. Huh? I eat lots of meat and eggs and veggies...the good ones! That's a bit strange, so I'm to go back next week and she's going to try to find the answer in the meantime.

We picked up my "stop coughing" medicine and then we went to S-Mall to have a drink. We both had a drink and a sandwich at Doutours. I had Royal Milk Iced Tea, and Fumihiko had Iced Latte. My sandwich was great. I had a smoked salmon bagel. Yum.

We came home after that. Fumihiko was going to go to his massage therapist and then take a hotspring bath. He said he wouldn't be back until 10pm. I was a little surprised and said so. He changed his mind about going. I'm sad about that, but I really didn't think he'd want to be away that long. He did go to walk his dog, then came back.

Around 9:30 we went out for dinner. We stopped by my school first to deliver the books I received today, then went to M's Dining. It wasn't too busy, and we had a nice meal. I had chicken, Fumihiko had a hamburger.

We came home via the grocery store. I think I'm going to cook dinner tomorrow night. We're going to have a beef stirfry. I bought lots of veggies to put in it, so I'm hoping it'll be tasty.

And that's about it for tonight. We got home after ER started so we didn't watch it tonight. I hope we'll have time to do it tomorrow night.

Things are almost back to normal here with us. Not 100% but much better than yesterday.

Got to go....night night.


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