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May 27, 2007 - Sunday

Rainy and drizzly all day.

Today was not a good day. Soon after I blogged last night, my husband got angry with me and stormed out of the apartment. I don't know when he came back.

I went to bed, but didn't sleep well. I woke up every couple of hours. I slept in quite late. I heard someone in the living room around 10 but pretended to be sleeping so the person in question left again. Good.

He was in and out the rest of the day and then went to bed with his computer, quite early. He basically didn't talk to me all day.

I went out for a walk around 7. It was good for my stress level, but I could really tell that my lung still has a bit of a problem. I was a bit wheezy and that was walking at my own pace. It started to rain so I came home.

A bit later I went out again to the supermarket to get myself some food. I closed the bedroom door and I watched Four Brothers on Wowow. It was quite good. I had heard it was better than average, and it was. Probably because of John Singleton and Mark Wahlberg.

So that's it for me. I'm really tired and even though it's not as late as it usually is when I go to bed, I'm going to go to bed.

Night night.


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