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August 3, 2007 - Friday

Hot and sunny, a bit of rain at night.

Today was good. Nope, it was great. I got up, sometime this morning, and had a relaxing morning. One of my students had emailed me while I was still in bed, so I sent her a reply. She cancelled her lesson today. Sigh.

I had a quiet day at home, but I had to turn on the air conditioner again. It was just so hot. Fumihiko got another delivery today from the travel company. That makes 4 in 4 days. Lucky guy!

I had my late lunch around 3:00, watched an episode of Corner Gas, and then put on Grey's Anatomy. Over the last few day's, I've realized that it's Grey with an "E" not an "A". I never really knew. It was an episode that I hadn't seen before so I quite enjoyed it.

I was on my way to my school before 5 pm. I stopped at the grocery store to use their ATMs. I wanted to put some money into my business account. After that, I went on my way.

When I got to the school it was an incredible 35o. That was way too hot for me. I had to put on the air conditioner full blast. An hour later, it was still hotter than I'm comfortable with. One of the problems is that my school is on the ground floor, so I can't leave the window open when I'm not there. And, now, when I'm there, it's too hot to open the window. I guess I'll just have to suffer through the next couple of months until it cools down again.

After work, I called Fumihiko and got him to come and get me. We went for dinner to Jiro. I asked if he'd be interested in karaoke, and he was, so that's what we did. We went to the new Mannekineko, got free time and drink bar. We were there for the next 3 hours. I did a lot of my old favourites, and a few newer ones too. It was a nice, well maintained karaoke box, and I enjoyed myself, with one exception. The videos that they showed during the songs were of young women wearing bathing suits and other items of skimpy clothing. I tried to get hubby to change the channel or reprogramme it, but he couldn't. I was hoping he'd ask the front desk how to do it, but he didn't. I just felt really stupid doing The Dixie Chicks "Not Ready to Make Nice" over simpering little 20 year olds in bikinis.

After 12:30 we left and came home. Hubby watched a little bit of Lost in Japanese, and I blogged.

It was a good day. I'm hoping that we'll be able to have a good day tomorrow too. My classes have cancelled so I don't have to work. Fumihiko has things to do in the morning, but hopefully we'll be able to take in a movie too.

That's it for today. Night night.


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