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August 2, 2007 - Thursday

Too hot and sunny.

A nice day. I woke up, then got up eventually. I checked email, showered, you know, the usual stuff. Nothing too interesting.

It was really hot today. I've been on a kick where I try really hard not to run the air conditioner during the day because I a) want to acclimatize myself to the weather more and b) I saw An Inconvenient Truth and feel like I should tough it out. However, I couldn't do it today. It was just too hot and too humid for me. It reached 31 degrees in our apartment before I turned on the AC. I did wait as long as I could though, and I had the windows open before I turned it on, but there wasn't much wind here today. Sorry Al, I tried!

I went off to work, stopping at the drugstore on the way there. I got a few things and then arrived at my school. It was a sauna-like 33 degrees there. Yikes. I had to turn on the AC, and was still sweating like crazy. The school only has one window, but it's big, like a balcony window, so it heats up a lot. I checked my set up for my student and then I made myself a pot of mint tea. I've decided to try making myself cold mint tea, so today was the first attempt. I made some and it's now cooling away in the fridge. I'll let you know tomorrow how it was.

Class was fine, except we ran out of time again. She doesn't seem to mind so maybe it's okay. I've been trying to convince her to start a vocabulary notebook. Maybe she will this time.

After her class, we chatted a little more and then she left. I got set up for tomorrow's classes, made more mint tea, and had a cup of it tonight too. It was good. I did paperwork, and set some of that up for tomorrow too. I had to do some photocopying of forms as well. No biggie, it just took time.

I hadn't heard from my husband, so I decided to leave my school. I wore my reflecting pant-clips, and got the light on my bike to work. I was halfway home, when I felt my pant pocket vibrate. Hubby was calling me. I stopped, took my bike off the road and called him back. I'm not one of the amazingly talented people here that can ride and talk on the phone at the same time. Actually, the most amazing people here can ride their bike and read and send text messages at the same time. I have no idea how they manage it, but I'm so impressed with them. He was home when he called, so I told him I'd be home in about 5 minutes and then went on my merry way.

When I got home we chatted about where to go for dinner, then decided to go to M's Dining. We had a pretty nice meal there, although when I was getting ready to leave I saw a spider on the bench at the other end from me. Yikes. I don't like spiders.

We bought a few groceries on the way home, and then came home. We tried to phone my niece Katie, but couldn't get through. It sounded like the line was busy. It's her tenth birthday today, and she's such a character, that we wanted to say Happy Birthday. Of course, we'd already sent a card and a present too.

Anyway that was my day. It was good, except for the not getting through to Katie part. Well, got to go. Adieu, mes amis, adieu.


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