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November 13, 2007 - Tuesday

Rainy, then clearing later.


Today was a much better day. I went to bed around 2 last night, got a good night's sleep, and then got up nice and early this morning. I felt fine. Hurray.

In the morning I showered and then I did a load of laundry. I had a quiet morning, until it was time to cook my lunch. I took the remnants of last night's stir-fry, heated it in the microwave, then put it in the frypan with some egg poured over it. It made a pseudo-egg foo yung, and it was really good. It was a different sort of omelette for me.

I left for the school early and made a stop at the bank and then at the drugstore. I picked up a few supplies for my school, and for my visitors tomorrow. I got to the school and as soon as I arrived there, got a call from my friend. She's coming tomorrow...on schedule.

I got quite busy at my school today. I vacuumed and even took the stuff out of the bathroom and put it in other places. I taught my classes and they both went quite well today. Yay. After my second class I did up my paperwork and then I cleaned the bathroom. It wasn't really bad, just had a bit of dust and some hair. I've been using it mostly as a storage space, and a place where I brush my teeth and comb my hair. It looks all nice and shiny now.

Fumihiko came to get me a bit after 9, and we went out for dinner. Tonight we went to M's Dining. It wasn't too bad. We had quite a nice meal and then came home.

We spent a mostly quiet evening at home, and then watched Jaime's Kitchen, and then Short Cuts. That one is still on. I've seen it a couple of times of course, but I think it's Fumihiko's first time. I like it...but it takes patience to get into it.

Anyway, I'm not sure if I'll be able to post tomorrow night or not. If not, don't worry, I'm having fun with my friends. I'll talk to you when I can.

Take care! Night night.


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