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January 8, 2008 - Tuesday

Thunder, lightning, rain, hail...and a little sun!


Today was an okay day. I got up early to try to watch the non-existant news, but re-watched Jamie's School Dinners instead. Then I just had a relaxing morning around the apartment. After my shower I surfed the web for a bit.

I did take a bit of a nap in the afternoon. I was tired, and I just needed 40 winks. I got up after and felt much better. I made my brunch and watched two episodes of Corner Gas. What a hoot that show is.

I kept an eye on the weather during the day. We had all kinds of terrible weather. Thunder and lightning in the morning, then around 3 torrential rain. When I checked just before I left it was raining lightly. However, when I went outside, the rain had basically stopped. Yay. I had my raincape on anyway, and went on my merry way. I stopped at about the 2/3 of the way mark to buy a drink from a vending machine, and then the hail came. Oh my goodness. What a nasty thing to happen. Luckily, the place I was at was covered, so I waited a few minutes until the hail died down, and then went on my way. I had to cycle carefully as the ground was covered with little balls of ice.

I was quite busy at the school today. I got there a little later than I wanted but really not late. I folded towels, put away the dishes, swept, and moved the heater around. I even changed my clothes and got ready for class. My first student was early today, so we chatted a little before we started. Well, I chatted, he couldn't really! In between the classes I got out the extra chair, and planned another lesson for Thursday's class. My students arrived at the same time and we got seated and had a fun lesson. It went quite well and hopefully the students learned something new!

After class I cleaned up, did paperwork and c-mailed Fumihiko. I didn't get any answer. I finished all my work and decided to work on a mini-jigsaw I have at the school. I did a bit of the puzzle and then called Fumihiko. No answer. Around 9:30 I called again, and when there was no answer again, thought that I should just go home. I was putting on my jacket and closing up my backpack when my phone rang. Fumihiko had just finished work. He'd had to drive to Yamagata after work tonight. Goodness. Here I'd had the suspicion that he'd fallen asleep at home after work, but he hadn't.

We came home and I got into cooking mode. Before I'd left for work, I'd marinated some pork slices in my low carb teriyaki sauce. I fried them and tossed the caesar salad mix that we'd bought yesterday. Fumihiko was tired, and not really hungry, so I didn't cook the veggies from yesterday. We had a simple, but good dinner. Although Fumihiko offered to do the dishes I said I would because (I thought) he was going to take a bath and go to bed. Hah! It's after 1 am now and he's still up, he still hasn't taken his bath, and he's now gone and booked us a night at an onsen in Yunohama on Sunday night. I just hope that he's feeling better then. It looks like hubby has come down with my cold. Sigh. Poor thing.

Anyway, I took a brief rest to watch Jamie Oliver's Return to School Dinners, which is why I'm still up late. I may go to bed soon. My throat is a bit sore now. Hmm.

Oh, I should update you on the headache situation. The last couple of days I've been much much better. I've barely had any. Yesterday I didn't have one until I went to bed, and today, I've had very mild ones. Let's hope they don't come back!

That's it for today. Have a good night!


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